Friday, November 6, 2009

On The Road With Denis & Starr/Day 21 - Blackstone, MA

Wednesday, October 21

Newport, RI & Blackstone, MA

When we checked the morning view from the balcony that morning, we saw that we were going to have another beautiful day.

Denis had phone meetings that morning so I walked up America's Cup Drive to the bus depot and took a ride on the neighborhood trolley heading for the exclusive Bellevue Avenue and the Mansion District.

There are many mansion museums to choose from but the one that intrigued me the most was, Rough Point, the oceanfront home of Doris Duke - the collector, philanthropist and animal lover.  I hopped off the trolley near the campus of Salve Regina University and walked the rest of the way passing Chateau-Sur-Mer, The Breakers, Astors' Beechwood and Marble House.  And then just before Bellevue Avenue ends and the Atlantic Ocean meets the Rhode Island Sound there stands the beautiful Rough Point.

Walking in was like stepping into the life of an heiress, and with my very excellent guide, Michelle, I spent the next hour immersed in the fine art, furnishings and priceless antiques that Doris Duke spent a lifetime collecting.

The tour included several large sitting rooms & galleries, the solarium (Doris' favorite room), the dining room (where I spied a beautiful Colwood China tea set) her bedroom, the kitchen and the grand ballroom.  Every room is still furnished as it was when Doris lived there.

My favorite story was the the one Michelle told about how at parties in the grand ballroom, Doris would tap dance for her guests!!  Also of interest to me was that she and Martha Graham were very good friends and Ms. Graham would visit Rough Point to give Doris dancing lessons.

An added bonus was a special exhibit called Shop Like an Heiress which explored how Doris shopped for her wardrobe in search of stylish, chic clothes that established her as one of the best dressed in society.  The fashions spanning 50 years were all gorgeous.

Although there were no photos allowed inside, they were permitted on the grounds.

 A peek into Doris' Solarium

Her Bridge on the Cliff Walk

There is evidence of Doris' love of animals throughout Rough Point.
At one time, she had two camels living there.
This camel topiary greets you as you enter the grounds from Bellevue Ave.

To remember my pleasant visit to this beautiful example of architecture from the gilded age, I purchased a book about Rough Point and one about Doris Duke's home in Honolulu called Shangri-La.  I hope I get to travel to Hawaii one day because I would love to tour this home.

I walked back to the trolley stop through the dappled light on Bellevue Avenue enjoying every step.

Blackstone, MA

That afternoon we drove over the Pell Bridge on the way to visit Val and Martha at their new farm in Blackstone.

When we arrived we met the two newest members of their menagerie.  Joining the dog, the sheep, the goats, the llamas, the alpacas and the ducks are:

Amos & Andy

New babies for Martha!

Rosa helps with the farm work.

After we visited with the animals, we went to check out the site where Val will build a new bridge over the river so they can access their back fields.

We gingerly crossed the old bridge....

We made it!

Val and Rosa led the way to the back fields.

Back at the house, we took the tour.

Martha's Lantern Collection

Matteo's Outer Space Room

Rosa's Princess Room

Nice Hat, Val!!

A beautiful afternoon in beautiful Blackstone Valley.

On our drive back to Newport that night, there was a Crescent Moon guiding our way.

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