Wednesday, October 28, 2009

On The Road With Denis & Starr/Day 15 - New York, NY

Thursday, October 15
Happy Birthday, Rosa!

New York, NY

It was raining, it was pouring in the city.  It was splendid.

Today was a work day for us.

Together with all of the driving and drawing and doing and doing, Denis still had to, on a daily basis, direct his attention to the business deals that were developing back home in Atlanta.

Accounting, blogging and general catching up on emails and correspondence were on my list.   One can always count on reliable internet service while in New York so we needed to seize the day.

A walk in the rain to the Starbucks on 49th was the only exercise for us that morning.  Weaving in and out to dodge all of the mostly black, $5.00 umbrellas was a choreographic feat.  You can hear many more "excuse me" and "pardon me"'s on a rainy day in NY.  Weather is a great equalizer.

Our 6th floor room at the Hampton Inn was comfortable and well lit.  We cocooned ourselves in and kept the television on mute, but from time to time tuned in to hear the latest updates about the now infamous "Balloon Boy."

We accomplished a lot that day.  The best of which was Denis' newest sketch.

 A Hotel Window View On A Rainy Day

Was it really 8 p.m.?  So what?  Who cared?  It was NYC.  Every place was still open for business.  A steady rain continued to fall and it was cold.  Seeking a little familiarity, we decided to walk over to an old favorite, Ben Ash, on Broadway, but not before we purchased a $5.00 umbrella for Denis and his very own cashmere "like" scarf from a vendor on the Avenue.

What can we say?
We like what we like!
Dry...  Vodka...  Olives...

We reminisced about the many times we had sat at that exact table and shared potato latkes with Adrien. And also about years past when mom accompanied us on our trips to New York.  Never the vegetarian, she loved their pastrami.

Although always delicious, Jewish Deli food was not what we craved tonight.  So after we finished out Martinis we braced the cold and the rain and did something we had never done before.  Over to 9th we sloshed, and there, we found a whole new side of New York.  Block after block of neighborhood bistros and cafes offering every possible type of cuisine.  Uncle Nick's in Hell's Kitchen fit the bill that night.

This cheery Greek restaurant was inviting and full of locals, always a good sign.  The menu had oodles of vegetarian selections to choose from.  We lived dangerously and had a second Martini.  Then we dug in to the most scrumptious food.

A colorful Vegetable Kebob served over lemony scented rice for me.

For Denis, a traditional Greek dish, Vegetable Mousaka, made with eggplant, zucchini, tomatoes & potatoes all oven baked with Bechamel sauce.

Dessert for us that night too!
Baklava dripping with honey & Espresso


Back at you, the love of my life!


1 comment:

  1. I'm starving for hot pastrami - but would've loved your dish as well, Starr.
